Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog, my army, personal thoughts and all that good stuff.

Hello there ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this, let's just say, personal message from me to you. A quick warning - this is not a battle report, so if you are not interested in reading through my thoughts, army update, blog problems and other, you can skip this. I don't want to waste your precious time. The reasons are - firstly, i wanted to give you guys a little update about what i am doing, and secondly, i was unable to visit my local gaming club this weekend, well, you know, family stuff. If you decided to stay with me, then let's begin.

Personal thoughts, army updates and blog weirdness.

First of all, i want to say "Big, mighty Thank You" to all of you. This blog exists for about a month, and i have already got a total of 130 views. As far as i'm aware, each day i get from 2 to 9 views. I, personally, thought that this crap will not be noticed for a month or two. Oh well, i can't complain. Once again, thanks to all the people who are actually reading my blog. I'm not getting any comments and feedback telling me about quality of my blog, but i can't ask for too much at this point.

Now, a bit about the blog itself. First of all, for some reason my first post disappeared. It contained my first army list, my plans for the future, and some other stuff i can't remember now. Anyway, the reason is unknown and i was unable to restore the post(and i didn't make a back-up copy of it).I have already made back ups of all the battle-reports, and this post, and any one after this one. Should any posts disappear again, i should be able to easily put them back where they belong. I'm sorry if this made any awkward moments when reading through my battle-reports(i did mention the "First post" a lot, because it contained my original army list).

Blog content. Nothing to say here so far. I will keep on making battle-reports, i will try to increase their number each week though. But for now this is all there will be. You see, the Warhammer 40k 6th edition rules will come out very soon, so making any tactics posts is pointless - the strategies will change very soon. As for transferring from pictures\text posts to videos, i am working on this, as i should be able to buy a video-camera this year("this year, eh?" sounds "promising", i know, but i am working on making this happen as soon as possible)

Army. I was told, and i was told this many times, that i have to change my army list. I play in a very competitive environment, almost every player in the club i play is somehow a championship player. Most of the players have highly competitive armies, and, obviously, i am no match to them(except for the newbies like me).  So this means that my army list will evolve over time into something better, stronger and just not as disgraceful as this. I will post my army lists at the beginning of every battle-report, rather then say "look at post ...". I will probably bring different units at most battles to test different combinations.

"All that good stuff" ... wait, what?!

So, this will be a little ending to this little post of mine. Leave your comments, ratings and "all that good stuff". Tell me what you want my battle reports to be like, what my army should be like and etc. For now, i leave this picture of my entire Warhemmr 40k model count. It's not much, i'm sure that many people have a lot more to show, and in a better quality. But for now i am sot of stuck with what i have. Anyway, thanks for you attention, i am Ursa06, and good luck to you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Battle Report #2 (22.01.2012)

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I bring you yet another Warhammer 40k battle-report. This one is Daemons of Chaos VS Blood Angels. I have decided to change my army a bit to bring in some close-combat power. The Blood Angels army seems to be composed fairly well, capable of dealing with my monstrous creatures, walkers and infantry, while my army is more concentrated on dealing with infantry. But let's wait and see how it goes. Both armies pack 1850 points of destructive power. While the points are ETC standard, the mission is basic from the rule-book. We rolled for the turn, i won the roll-off and gave the Blood Angels' player first turn. After deployment and mission rolls we ended up with spearhead deployment (aka table corners), the wining conditions are kill-points. Let's take a look at the armies and go straight to the battle.

I decided to bring some changes to my standard army build, and there is a high chance i will keep playing with this one. So what i have changed - i dropped the Daemon Prince, Flamers, Screamers and the Skulltaker. Instead i took 2 units of 10 Bloodletters and a Bloodthirster(btw, as soon as i compose a competitive army list i will make a post on the blog explaining my choices, talking about the units and etc.). The Blood Angels' player brings in this unit composition: Assault Marines squad(2 meltas, power fist), Death Company squad(Thunder Hammer), Furioso Dreadnought (Blood Talons), 2 Predator tanks(laser sponsons, auto-cannon turret on both), Land Raider Crusader, Storm-raven, Assault Terminator squad(some with a pair of Lightning Claws, others are with Shield\Hammer combo), Librarian, Corbulo. So, let us not wait any longer and jump right into the first turn of this game. 

Turn #1 - Blood Angels

After about 5 minutes of thinking and asking for advice, the Blood Angels' player decided to move up his Storm-raven a bit closer to the center and end his turn at that point. There is, actually , not much he could do, my army was not even on the board yet.

Turn #1 - Daemons of Chaos

So, the game started better then i though it would - i actually managed NOT to fail my Daemonic Assault roll. The units that i wanted to see come on first turn did so, making a very promising start. With only the Bloodthirster scattering too far from intended position, i already was dangerously close to my opponents army. After a short phase of running, my units got closer to each-other(and, of course, closer to the Fateweaver) my models ended up in a valid battle-formation. It is fortunate that the enemy had no blast weapons, or this would end up badly.

Turn #2 - Blood Angels

But the real battle is only about to begin. Blood Angels, understanding the danger of letting my Khorn units get the charge, moved up closer to deny me this opportunity, and get the charge themselves. But, first things first - in order to successfully defeat my close-combat army, a simple fight is not enough - they have to do some damage at range first, to weaken my striking force, and grab an advantage. For now my opponent moves up his units, while the Predators still keep at distance, while providing heavy fire support.

Shooting, oh shooting. It seems that the Blood Angels really hate my Fateweaver. Most of the heavy fire was concentrated on him, while some bolters and other smaller guns tried to harm my Bloodcrushers. It takes more then that though. After all the shots were made, only a single wound on the Fateweaver was the result. The Blood angels shot good, they rarely missed and wounded a lot - it's the Fateweaver's and all the daemons close to him ability to re-roll saves that denied most of the wounds (and possible kills). I didn't fail Fateweaver's leadership roll for taken wound, so i still stand strong, and the fun part was only about to start. The angels decided to keep their distance for a while though - probably my opponent wanted another round of shooting before he gets to charging me.
Turn #2 - Daemons of Chaos

More reserves! Surprisingly, more hard-hitting units came out to say "Hi". Both the Soulgrinders have came out on the icon located in the Bloodcrusher's unit. The Plaguebearers unit decided to hide. You see, i tried to drop them in between the Land Raider and my army, but they ended up scattering in the building in the side, showing me that they do not want to be used as a meat-shield. Other units are moving up to engage the Blood Angels, while staying in close proximity to the Fateweaver.

Shooting phase. Rather running phase. All the close-combat units moved up even closer. Both the Soulgrinders and the Fateweaver tried to shoot down the Storm-raven, but failed awfuly, either failing to hit or to penetrate the armor. No assaults though. My opponent positioned his forces in such a way that there is no way for me to reach him at this point.

Turn #3 - Blood Angels

So, finally we are close enough to deal harm to each other. Blood Angels moved up even closer, anticipating an inevitable assault against my forces. It was inevitable, but we have to wait for a little bit before the epic battle. First things first. As the transports move up they unload their deadly cargo - Terminators, Death Company, Librarian and Dreadnought appear right in front of my forces, priming their weapons to unleash a final volley before charging in to a glorious rampage.

Blood Angels, eager to inflict as much damage as possible, manage to deal some minor damage to the Bloodletters in the back of my forces. But most importantly - a combined fire from both Predators and a Land Raider first immobilize, then totally destroy my blue Soulgrinder. No harm was dealt by the explosion, but now i have only one powerful walker, while on the other hand i wasn't able to deal any damage at all yet.

Blood for the Blood God! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! Finally, after two turns of boring positioning, we got here. A glorious bloodshed has begun, with the Blood Angels charging my forces. As the battle cries are roared and weapons clash, there is no way to say who will be the victor of this battle. And i end up with some minor disadvantages. First being the fact that the Angels got the charge, giving them a powerful advantage, another is that my other Soulgrinder and both Bloodletter squads were left out, forced to stay at least until my assault phase out of the close-combat. When the first blood was shed, and the first casualties were dealt, we found that the forces are almost evenly matched. With a minor loss on the Blood Angel's side, they all made their leadership rolls and saves for fearless wounds.(btw, the building on the left was temporarily removed for easy access to the models in combat)

Turn #3 - Daemons of Chaos

As the fight in the middle goes on, other daemons are eager to join. They really want to spill some Space Marines blood. No reserves had made it to the table though. It is not a big loss - the only units left there are two squads of Pink Horrors, being shooting units they are not very useful in hand-to-hand fight. The Bloodletters and a Soulgrinder move up closer to cover both flanks and provide additional strength to my fighting force. No shooting was made during my turn. The only thing was Soulgrinder running to free some space for Bloodletters near him. Both Bloodletter units charge in, as does the Soulgrinder.(his Fleet special rule came in handy)Casualties. Casualties were a bit painful. Losing his final wounds, the Fateweaver returns back to the warp, as do some of my Bloodletters. The Bloodthirster still stands strong without even a scratch, while all the Bloodcrushers ended up with only one wound left on each. Some Plaguebeares did went down as well. And while i do suffer loses here and there, even more Blood Angels go down, all for the sake and glory of one massive bloodbath. This time, once again, i was the victor in terms of wounds inflicted\suffered. But still, as the last time, Blood Angels stayed in combat.

Turn #4 - Blood Angels

Sneaky little plane. This gets interesting. Understanding that the fight in the middle is going the wrong way for him, my opponent decides to back out all of his forces that are not engaged. Both Predators and the Land Raider move as far as possible and use their smoke-screens. The Storm-raven, on the other hand, moves to an opposite table edge, preparing to deal maximum amount of damage to my forces as soon as they finish this fight. And, once again, no shooting was done as there are no not engaged units from my side.
As the close combat continues, more and more fall. But now we can see one side getting the upper hand in this.

Turn #4 - Daemons of Chaos

And now, finally, the epic blood shed has ended with the Daemons victory, but the battle is not over yet. There are still a lot of Blood Angels left on the battle-field, and there are a lot of things to be done. But for now, as the Daemons got rid of their close-combat enemies, they consolidate towards different targets - all but the Soul Grinder move closer with most of the enemy forces, while the 'Grinder goes after the Storm-raven.

Turn #5 - Blood Angels

None of the Angels dared to move closer to my forces, they did try to shoot, but, apparently they have inherited the shooting abilities of Orks - no wounds, no damage dealt to the Soulgrinder, NOTHING AT ALL! What the ... ? This was somewhat funny, as the marines are supposed to do more that this. Anyway, this was pretty much the Blood Angel's turn 5, nothing too interesting and\or exciting to talk about sadly.

Turn #5 - Daemons of Chaos

Finally my last two units came out of reserves. The bigger unit of Pink Horrors with a changeling appeared in front of my forces guided by the icon, while another one decided to play a little joke. I wanted to deal damage to the last Assault Marines squad over there, so i was over-zealous, and deep-stroke my horrors in a very close proximity to them. My daemons ended up scattering and falling on the squad they were supposed to shoot at. Mishap result - destroyed. Well, that's a fail suicide. Other that that - everyone's moving up. There are two major targets that i have to destroy - the Land Raider and the Storm-raven. Let's see how well it goes.

Almost no shooting was done in this turn. Most of the units used this phase for the purpose of running, or stayed still to assault their targets. The Soulgrinder assaulted the Storm-raven, unfortunately failing to do more than scaring the crew a little bit. On the other side of the table the Bloodthirster has filled himself with my hate of Land Raiders, and managed to immobilize it. If i'm able to remove these vehicles out of the picture i will be in a massive lead.

Turn #6 - Blood Angels

And the game continues! Blood Angels are desperately trying to score as many kill points as possible. While the Predator tanks are standing far from the main scene of action(while still being in range of their weaponry) the Assault squad moves closer to eliminate as many of my units as possible. On the far back of this little battlefield , the Storm-raven moves 6" away from my Soulgrinder, making sure that it can't hit it in this assault phase, while still keeping his ability to fire all the weapons.

There was not much shooting coming my way, and even less damage. The Storm-raven unloaded it's entire arsenal(las-cannon, multi-melta, 4 missiles) against my Soulgrinder failing to do anything. That's right, it's not easy to damage a daemonic vehicle. Assault squad shot it's pistols and meltas at the Bloodthirster, managing to wound him once. The assault was a bit more interesting - Assault Marines charged at the Bloodthirster and one of the Bloodletters squad. I decided to direct all of the Bloodthirster's attacks at the Land Raider, resulting in it's explosion, the Corbulo inside has failed his leadership test and gone to ground. The Bloodletters were, sadly, wiped out. I lost combat. but managed to save the fearless wounds on the Bloodthirster.

Turn #6 - Daemons of Chaos

Let us move forth! Towards future victories! While the Bloodcrushers moved to assist the Bloodthirster, second Bloodletter squad, Pink Horrors and Plaguebearers started to slowly move towards the Predator tanks in the corner. The cowards though that they could hide forever. The Soulgrinder tried to shoot down the Storm-raven, but the blast marker scattered far away, making assault the only option.
Bloodcrushers charged into the rest of the Assault Marines while Soulgrinder attempts to, once again, bring down the Storm-raven. The result was fantastic - the Storm-raven finally went down with a "Bang!", and the Assault Marines were wiped out, finally giving my Greater Daemons of Khorn ability to move towards other targets.

The game ended at turn 6 with a massive advantage for the Daemons. This is, to say the least, my first full victory, against a good army as well. We enjoyed this game a lot. And i hope you enjoyed this battle report. Leave your comments about the battle report, armies, tactics and etc. Tell me how you would've behaved in this scenario, or what improvements my army needs. Thanks for your attention, and good luck to you.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Battle Report #1 (14.01.2012)

Welcome, fellow war-gamers, to this Warhammer 40k battle report. This is a game between Daemons of Chaos and Space Marines. Each side has 2000 points of death and destruction ready to be unleashed upon one another. The victory conditions are one of the ETC (Europe Team Championship) missions. This means that there are two objectives – primary and secondary. The primary objective is Annihilation (kill points) , the secondary is Capture and control with three objectives – one is set up in the middle of the board, the other two are located on the line(along the long table edges)  that separates the table in two parts 6” away from the short table edges. The deployment type is Dawn of War.

Lets’ take a brief look at both armies – my daemons are what I usually bring (see First Post on this blog). The Space marines have: Tactical Squad (1 flamer, 1 missile launcher, a sergeant with a melta bomb), 2 squads of Scouts(in the first one there are sniper rifles, capes and a sergeant, the second one has shotguns, bolter and a sergeant), Rhino transport(heavy bolter, hunter-killer missile) 2 Land Raider Crusaders(melta, heavy bolter, hunter killer missile on both), Devastator squad(Sergeant with a Powerfist, las-canon, plasma, missile launcher, melta, 5 marines with bolters), 2 squads of Terminators(4 Lightning claws and 1 Hammer/ Shield in both), 1 Librarian (psychic powers – Null-zone, Vortex)Vulkan. Sure, the Space Marines army list looks a bit silly here and there. The thing is – the Space Marine player is new, as I am, and he does lack some models and knowledge about what is best to have in his army. Oh well, let’s see how it goes.

I won the roll-off, so I decided to give the first turn to the Space Marine’s player. He decided not to deploy any of his units, rather his army will come out in turn 1 from his table edge, except for two squads of scouts, who are in reserve, and will come out using the Outflank rule.

Turn #1 – Space Marines

Oh well, there is not too much to tell here. The mighty protectors of mankind came on the battlefield from their table edge. They seem to be trying to concentrate their forces in on part of the table – not a bad idea at all. Also the Devastator squad is heading towards that ruin to get a better firing position at any target that presents itself.
Turn #1 – Daemons of Chaos

Ah yes, finally we get to where the fun starts. Daemons are about to deep-strike onto the battlefield. I’ve put most of my hard-hitting units into the Daemonic Assault, so that on a 3+ they come out on the battlefield. Everything else supposed to come out later … I hope so. The dice is about to be rolled, intense moment, drumming beat ….. I roll a 2 ….. FAIL! All of my troops, Daemon Prince and a Soul Grinder come out to almost guaranteed slaughter. The Blood God wants Blood…. apparently my blood. Oh well, in order not to get killed outright I deep-stroke all of my units close to the far table corner (good thing the Space Marines are concentrated in one place). It seems like a good plan, though it did fail a little – the Soul Grinder managed to scatter into a wall. He mishaps, oh crap. I roll a 3 on the mishap table – the enemy gets to deploy him wherever he wishes. He decided to drop it directly in front of the Land Raiders, and if that wasn’t enough – he drops Soul Grinder inside are terrain! You know what happens next? That’s correct – I fail again! I roll a 1 on the dangerous terrain test for the ‘Grinder. Now he is immobilized. He did shot at the Devastator squad, managing to kill 2 of them, sadly –those were the guys with bolters. Pink Horrors and Plaguebearers ran to get in a better position.

Turn #2 – Space Marines
Reserve rolls! I wish I rolled for my reserves like this – I really do. Not only do the both Scout squads come out – both of them get to choose from which table edge to come out – talk about strategically positioned! One of them comes out from the table edge that is closer to most of his forces – those would be the ones with the sniper rifles. The other squad comes out close to me. Both squads hug cover. They are afraid … mwuhaha.

The Devastator squad has finally managed to get a position up on that ruin. One of the Land Raiders had moved and shot his weapons against a squad of Pink Horrors, killing all of them except for the one with the Bolt of Tzeentch. A lonely hero we have here. That Land Raider has also used his Machine Spirit to fire one weapon at another target – Melta against the immobilized Soul Grinder. That, in combination with shots from another Land Raider did absolutely nothing! The walker is alive to live another day, or, at least, another turn.

Turn #2 – Daemons of Chaos
Reinforcements! Finally I get to pull out some nasty cards out of my sleeve. Let’s see here. Another Soul Grinder, Bloodcrushers with Skulltaler, Flamers and Screamers arrive to lend a hand in fighting the evil. Because, you know, space marines are evil, as is the Imperium of Man, sort of evil. Never mind. I decided to drop Bloodcrushers close to the enemy – they are tough enough to deal with a lot of damage coming their way. The blue ‘Grinder is coming from the flank while Screamers arrive using the icon on the Plaguebeares to make sure they don’t scatter on top of someone – the battlefield is getting crowded. The Flamers are trying a bold move of deer-striking behind the Land Raiders. They did manage to come right on target though, and are ready to unleash the hell on those tanks.

Movement. First thing first – Plaguebeares are trying to get into the terrain and score that objective there. They do roll a double one on their moving … not so much of a fail, rather a minor setback. Everyone (who is able to) is moving to get in the best position for upcoming battle.

In the shooting phase the Bloodcrushers used their run to spread out a little in order not to get caught under some nasty blast weaponry too much. The Plaguebeares ran, finally getting where I wanted to see them a while ago. The one heroic Pink Horror with the Bolt tried to shoot at one of the Land Raiders but failed to do anything, the immobilized (“But I’m still alive”) Soul Grinder keeps torturing the poor Devastator Squad – he shot both his Phlegm(big blast) and Harvester at them claiming some souls for himself. But, sadly, those were once again the bolter marines (also known as the “meat shield”). The Flamers, who were supposed to at least shake the Land raider did absolutely zero. That makes it a sad fail – 135 point thrown away in the window. The blue ‘Grinder found himself a delicious target – some scouts who appeared to be not very well hidden from him. He did manage to kill only 2, but the controlling player ordered them to go to ground, giving them a better cover save, but making them not able to do anything the next turn.

Turn #3 – Space Marines

And the Ultra strike back! Both Terminator squads, with Librarian in one and Vulkan in another, came out to face the Khorne’s finest. Some would consider staying away. Well, marines are supposed to be super-soldiers. We’ll see where this goes, but for now the terminators disembark. 

Dakka dakka! Firstly, the squad inside the Rhino decided that the flamers are not very beautiful. One flame thrower that they shot wouldn’t have did too much, but! The librarian has a Null-zone, which he successfully activated. That forces me to re-roll all my successful invulnerable saves within 24” from the librarian! The flamers have died altogether – this was just too much for them. The Devastators and a melta from the Land Raider shot at the Soul Grinder again managing to destroy only one weapon – talk about an indestructible vehicle! Bolters from both land raider fired a crazy volley of bolter rounds at the Bloodcrushers managing to kill one and wound a ‘Crusher and the Skulltaker … damn that Librarian and his null-zone!


But the Slaughter was just beginning… as were my epic fails. The terminators charged the Bloodcrushers, and because of high initiative the Skulltaker was hitting first… apparently this day was an April’s Fools day for Khorne – his best herald didn’t wound even once! Why, oh why are you so cruel today?! In the end the terminators won big – losing only a few, they killed all the Bloodcrushers and the Skulltaker - killing the most hard-hitting close-combat unit in my entire army – this does not seem to go well for me, not at all. 

Turn #3 – Daemons of Chaos

Time for some sweet-sweet revenge! What is left in the reserve came onto the table – another unit of Flamers and the Fateweaver are hungry for souls of those foolish mortals who dared to oppose us! 

While the Plaguebeares, Daemons Prince, Pink Horrors, Screamers and a Soul Grinder get into position I already start to think of a way to turn this battle to my favor. The chance is slim, but it does exist. First thing first – get those Plaguebearers into the cover in case they will start getting some attention from shooting units. Other daemons start to close in with the rest of the Ultramarines, making a circle around them and closing in on the targets – no one escapes!

Now, let us fire ze missiles! Soul Grinder’s shooting done nothing to the Devastators – I can’t blame him, he already lost his big blast, there was barely anything he could do now. The Flamers manage to do some damage – out of 4 terminators only 2 survived from their deadly flamers. Both the blue Soul Grinder and one lonely Pink Horror tried their chances against armor 14 of the Land Raider – both failed, proving once again that daemons are not a shooting army.

Now, you think that I’m the only one who fails? Really? No. Seriously, no. Why, you would ask. That’s why – those terminators, the ones that lost a half of the squad are running away! Yes, finally something. Yes, they will regroup the next turn or the turn after, but they will be further away from me – that’s some place where they are not useful at all.

Turn #4 – Space Marines

Not much left on the battlefield, but still the battle is raging on! The two terminators regroup and start making their way to join their battle-brothers. Ultramarines are moving their Land Raiders to engage the most dangerous targets – they want them out for good in order to get to my squishy troops and finish this once and for all. One of them moves to finally take down the red ‘Grinder, while the other one takes one squad of terminators and, accompanied by a Rhino with a tactical squad, moves in to engage the other Soul Grinder. While the first has all the chances to succeed, the other move might’ve been a mistake – there is nothing powerful enough in those Land Raider and Rhino to deal with the Soul Grinder effectively. Or maybe he just wants to stall it there. 

And finally, after a concentrated shooting from a Land Raider and a Devastator squad the infamous Soul Grinder plants his face into the ground and falls asleep … it’s a wreck. The Scouts hiding in the far corner has finally decided to run out of cover to try and grab the objective. By the way, remember those three scout that went to ground some time ago? Those three are still there, forgotten, lonely. Sad situation, really sad.

Turn #4 – Daemons of Chaos

The further we go the shorter the description of each turn is. But, hopefully, I will pull out at least some sort of a draw. While Daemons suffered heavy losses they still pack some fire power in them, and we are about to put it to good use. But, first, let’s move up to the opponent. Daemon Prince and Screamers jump closer to assist the blue ‘Grinder, while on the other flank Pink Horrors, Flamers and the Fateweaver close in on the other Land Raider and the Devastator squad. I did forgot about the librarian with a null-zone there, and I’m about to regret it.

In the shooting phase … well, almost nothing happened – the Fateweaver managed to kill two out of five scouts, they made their leadership test though, so they are still standing their ground. The shooting from the blue Soul Grinder was not effective enough to even somehow damage the rhino – so let’s get straight to the fun part – charging into the assault and opening up those tin cans – there are some delicious space marines in there you know. And, of course, my “luck” shows up again to teach me another lesson – not the Daemon Prince, nor the Screamers have managed to even scratch the Land Raider, and even the mighty Soul Grinder has only managed to immobilize the Rhino he charged in – here we go again.


Turn #5 – Space Marines

Decisions, decisions. So many targets, so many choices. The Ultramarines seem to be going to split up their forces in order to deal with several threats at the same time. While the Vulkan himself comes out from his comfortable Land Raider to deal with enemies that threat the humanity, his ride and the Terminators inside it seem to have pulled back, repositioning to attack a different target. The terminators from the Land Raider seem to be going after the Screamers, while the others that regrouped a while ago are hungry for those Flamers back there. None of these daemons are suitable for close combat, meaning that we are about to have a little slaughter going on. Also the Tactical squad comes out of their Rhino to make some shots against a target they will found dangerous enough. 


Have I already mentioned I hate that Librarian with his null-zone? Well I still do – he activated it once again, making all of my invulnerable saves pretty much useless. In the shooting phase the tactical squad has managed to blast 3 wounds off of a Daemons Prince! Even with his 3+ armor save he just couldn’t withstand so many shots. The Devastators and a Land Raider tried their luck against the Fateweaver but failed to do anything. This bird is all but invincible.

Now the Blood God will be happy. Or will he? I wonder does the Blood God enjoy when the strong slaughter the weak? Interesting, Ok. So, in the assault phase the Vulkan took on the Daemons Prince, while two Terminators squads engaged the Screamers and Flamers. Unfortunately none of my Daemons survived this – the Null zone was active, so all the successful invulnerable saves had to be re-rolled. The Prince still managed to take a wound out of a Vulkan though – it wasn’t a total loss.

Turn #5 – Daemons of Chaos

Turn 5 was … uneventful. Pink Horrors moved a bit closer to capture an objective and shoot at the Terminators, Fateweaver jumped closer to the Devastators, while still being in range to kill the scouts, and the Soul Grinder has turned around to attack the Vulkan. At this point I am trying to kill as many units as possibly while, hopefully, hold on to those objectives and score myself some points.  

Aha! And who told you the daemons were not a shooting army? Wait, me? Oh … umm … no. So apparently shooting in my army is not a bad as some might think – with some shots the Fateweaver has finally managed to take out the Scout squad, though he did fail to do anything against the Devastators. But still – a kill point for me. The Soul Grinder tried to get some shots at the Vulkan, but failed – it will be decided in a close combat duel. The shooting from Pink Horrors did nothing to the Terminators, but annoying them a little.

And now for the epic duel between the blue Soul Grinder and the Vulkan! Nothing really too epic here – Vulkan just caught a wound from the ‘Grinder and suffered and instant death, so yeah, not really an epic duel. It’s a very boring duel – that’s what it is. I wouldn’t pay money to see a one-hit-win fight. The Soul Grinder consolidates back towards the Tactical squad.

Turn #6 – Space Marines

And the Land Raiders emerge from all around, swarming upon a small and barely protected target. The two Land Raiders, with some of their Terminators inside decided that they don’t really like those Pink Horrors – so they both move up for the kill. At the same time the Tactical squad hides inside their immobilized Rhino in vain hope that it will protect them against the Soul Grinder.

What happens if suddenly you are in a storm of bolt rounds? You die! That is what basically happened here – the Horrors just died – so many shots and the fact that they are forced to re-roll their successful invulnerable saves make it difficult enough for even a bigger squad to fall. But what is this? The Devastator squad has finally managed to put a wound on the Fateweaver with all the shots from all the cool weapons they have. Fortunately the Proud Bird (aka Fateweaver) makes his leadership test and still stands to shoot some more.

Turn #6 – Daemons of Chaos

The blood was spilled, the metal was broken. All was done to come to this moment. I’m trying to pull out as much kill points as possible. The Fateweaver moves even closer and shoots all he can at the devastator squad, while at the same time the Soul Grinder tries to take down both the rhino and the tactical squad inside. Unfortunately, the fail is epic. The ‘Grinder only manages to take out a Rhino, while the Devastators didn’t lose as much as I had hoped.


At this point, the game was over. The Space Marines has won, bringing yet another victory for the glory of their chapter, while the Daemons return back to the Warp to plan revenge and regain their power.

But the most important is – both players had a lot of fun, both got some valuable experience out of this. And I hope you did as well. Leave your comments on what you think about the battle itself, about the battle report and about the blog altogether. Leave useful advice, constructive criticism or pure trolling.

I hope you enjoyed this battle report, good luck to you.